A decorating book I read once said that before you got started on anything, you had to define the style you were going for, and name it. It seems that I have trouble trying to come up with such a name. I know it's not "simple" or "modern" or anything that tawdry, but the closest I could get to something was "French Country Bazaar". Yeah, I know - sounds weird. Basically what that means is that I like fancy furniture and white walls, and then throwing a heck of a lot bits and bobs about. I'll try and show you what I mean.

This chair is rather insane, but if you put it in a white room, I think it would look quite nice.
Lilly Pulitzer, combiner of pink and kelly green par excellence.

I actually thought I hated white walls, I really did. But then I joined
Tumblr, and it turned out that everything I "liked" ended up being rooms with white walls - go figure. I like the mix of colours in this room.

You really can't go wrong with a lovely bed like this. Maybe a bit too much white for me, but go on, isn't it gorgeous?

Here's that Bazaar thing I was going on about. In my mind, it means hypercolour with moroccan touches. Is that odd? Probably, but hey...that's me.

Fancy bed.....check, I'd put a different bead spread, but generally...I like it.

This room is interesting, a little bit on the crazy side for me, but kind of reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, or something like that... I like the general idea of the mix though.

This is is more classic, which I really love. Green, and hydrangeas, you can't go wrong.
I think all these pictures are yet another example of my different personalities. I was always the person who when answering quizzes in Y&M or Seventeen (sniff!) would end up having split answers "You're a girly girl" AND "You're a hippie!". Split personality syndrome... permeates everything when it comes down to it.
So defining styles - good luck narrowing down a word, because I'm down to "French Country Bazaar Shabby Chic Romantic Eclectic Wonderland Indoor Garden Classic Mix"
Kind of rolls off the tongue, don't you think?