There is a small, small town in southern France, in the heart of Provence that holds a dear spot in my heart. The town of Roussillon, is where I spent the winter of 1997 with my family. I wasn't too pleased to be away from my friends and my life in Toronto, but as the weeks and months passed in the big, old, house, I started to enjoy myself. Daily bike rides, flowers in January and trips to the market were all part of the charm. Here are some photos I took when I visited the town again with my friend Ali last summer. Charmant, non?

This is a view of the town from the entrance to the "sentier des ocres", the area where you can walk in the ochre quarries. Of course, this is what gives the warm orangy colour to the walls of the town. I used to say it was because the walls had soaked up the sunshine, and I'm still inclined to say the same.

Le val des fées... A nice name for a rather magical spot....

We could hear the sound of the bell tower through the chimney as it was right above our house. There's Ali under the arch. :)

I don't know the purpose of this arch, but I love it anyway.

Place de la Mairie is so cute, and so warm looking, even when we were there in the "dead" of winter.

This is the view from the Castrum, way up above the town. A short walk, by all accounts, but it still seems a world apart.

Eh oui, c'est chez nous! Well, it was chez nous while we were there. In those days, the house was called "Les Genets" which is what you call broom plants in French. Broom is an unfortunate name for a lovely plant with yellow flowers.
Et voilà, that is my mini tour of Roussillon. If you get a chance to visit, do go... it's so cute. I'm sure I'll be talking more about this magical place soon...