Greetings to all from England!
We've been taking in the local sights here and I just can't seem to get enough of taking pictures of cute cottages, and lovely houses, as well as some well-tended pubs. Sometimes just a little detail goes a long way, and around these parts, the thing that makes a huge difference is flowers everywhere.

The Green Dragon!!!!!!! Found this place in a town called Malborough, and made such a big deal over it that John drove back out of our way just so I could walk around and get a picture. I really just wanted to start singing Ho, ho, ho! To the bottle I go...

Pub + Thatched Roof for the win.

Come on, have you ever seen anything this cute?

Indeed, indeed, a lovely home in Salisbury, right near the cathedral.

As you may have guessed, I heartily approve of the lavender lining the path to the door.
Again, in Salisbury

The Lazy Cow!

Thatched cottage getting some work done in Avesbury. Right by the River Avon.

Trying to unravel the mystery of the hedge maze in the gardens at Chatsworth. We didn't succeed.

Chatsworth viewed from the back...... It is quite literally ENORMOUS.

Lavender in the gardens of Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire.

The ruins of Bolsover Castle... Found it quite by accident, you know!
More adventures to come. Luckily, it hasn't rained too much!